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October and everything after 

So we played some shows this summer, and had a lot of fun.  We noticed that a lot of you did too!  Fantastic, that's the idea!

It's also the idea to get some new music out.  Although we keep saying we will, we really mean it!  We've got 5 of 7 songs completely mixed, with some tweaking left for number 6.  Number 7 is still up in the air...

Anyhow, Ace, BJ, and Mike will be playing in Jackson this Friday.  After which we'll be back to our collective noses to the grindstone to get this music out to you all.

In the meantime, we'll try hard to keep in touch...


Waking up from hibernation 

Well, "soon" as mentioned in the post below has different meanings for different folks.

We've finished tracking for 7 new songs, and mixing is underway.  View is waking from its long slumber, and we're looking forward to sharing some new music with you all.  As a matter of fact, we're starting to book shows for the summer.  If you'd like to see us somewhere, please let us know...thanks!

We'll check in again "soon", but in the meantime, here are the song titles as they stand:

Across the Water
Carry Me Home
Clear Days
Take It Back

- BJ

What do you want to hear? 

We've added a couple of shows this of our favorites is the Chelsea Sounds and Sights on Thursday Nights, and we're back for another year.  (Thanks, Chelsea, for having us!)  Our good friend Craig Parker is joining us on bass for these shows.  We'll be playing a mix of old and new songs, with a few covers.  Anything in particular you want to hear?

We're continuing to work on the new record, and with lead vocals recently recorded, we're getting close.  We can't wait to share it with you!

More to come soon...

- BJ

...and where we're going! 

So, we've been quiet for a while again.  Life has a way of keeping us busy!

A quick note...BJ is playing at the Jackson Coffee Company in Jackson on Friday, Nov. 16th.  Hit the Shows page for more information!

We had some great shows this past summer...thanks to all the fantastic fans, friends, and family who came out to listen!

We've been holed up in the studio recording over the past month or so, and if all goes well, we should have some new music to share with you in early 2013!  Stay tuned to for details, or check out our Facebook page ( for some photos and updates from the studio.

- BJ


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